Introducing Hoffman2 Happy Hour Workshops
Welcome to the exciting world of Hoffman2 Happy Hour (H2HH) workshops at UCLA! These interactive sessions are designed to offer participants valuable insights into various topics related to high-performance computing (HPC). Each workshop is carefully curated to promote an engaging and informative experience.
Spotlight on RStudio
Our most recent H2HH workshop, held on March 29, 2023, focused on the use of RStudio—an integrated development environment (IDE) for R programming—on UCLA’s Hoffman2 HPC resource. The virtual workshop took place via Zoom and was met with an enthusiastic response from attendees.
Exploring RStudio on Hoffman2
During the workshop, I demonstrated how to set up and use an RStudio Server container on Hoffman2. This containerized approach allows users to harness the full potential of RStudio in an HPC environment, enabling them to tackle complex data analysis and visualization tasks with ease.
Access Workshop Materials
For those who couldn’t attend or would like to revisit the content, we’ve made the workshop materials, including the presentation PDF and Zoom recording, available on UCLA’s IDRE GitHub site. Feel free to explore the repository using the following link:
Looking Ahead
The Hoffman2 Team is committed to empowering the research community with the knowledge and tools necessary for success in the HPC domain. Stay tuned for more workshops in the future, as we continue to explore and share the many facets of high-performance computing!
Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to seeing you at the next Hoffman2 Happy Hour workshop!